Dear Atlas: How Do I Actually Meet Locals When I Travel?

Dear Atlas is Atlas Obscura’s travel advice column, answering the questions you won’t find in traditional guidebooks. Have a question for our experts? Submit it here.

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Dear Atlas,

I love meeting locals when I’m traveling, but I’m never quite sure how to go about it when I’m in a completely new destination. Do you have any tips?

We travelers all have the same fantasy. We arrive in a foreign city and head to a bar. Or maybe it’s a restaurant. Or a bookstore. It doesn’t matter where because the outcome we want is all the same. We strike up a conversation with a local who then invites us to hang with their friends/go to a party/meet the family. And, suddenly, we get to explore the nontouristy side of the destination, make new friends, learn culture—the kinds of experiences they literally make movies about.

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