Kaname-ishi in Kashima, Japan

According to legend, beneath Kashima Jingu lies a mythical being of earth-shattering proportions. Japanese mythology tells that this colossal catfish causes earthquakes with its restless thrashing. Kashima Jingu is said to be key in keeping the sea monster, known as Namazu, from wreaking havoc.

The shrine contains a single sacred stone: Kaname-ishi. It is is said to have been set in place by Takemikazuchi-no-Okami, the shrine’s main deity. According to Japanese mythology, the powerful god of thunder and swords wrestled the unruly Namazu into submission, ultimately pinning its huge head beneath Kaname-ishi. 

While Kaname-ishi may appear modest from above, its legend states that the small stone is merely the exposed tip of a much larger monolith. It is said that the stone extends deep underground, anchoring Namazu firmly in place to this day.

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